The Brief

Develop a brand name, identity and tone of voice that brings clarity to the broad and fulfilling career opportunities within optometry and eyecare to young people, parents and educational establishments. A brand that optometrists nationwide can use to connect with local schools and students to attract, recruit and retain new talent.

The Process

Working with a range of students across Key Stages 3 and 5, as well as parents, teachers and future employers, it is vital the Into Optics brand works for a range of audiences. Creating consistent colours and themes throughout the brand, elements can be dialled up and dialled down depending on the audience, with connected assets throughout the brand is built to follow the journey of young people from students through to business owners. A multi-levelled tone of voice has been developed to ensure consistent messaging, tailored to each audience.

The Results

A foundational brand creating consistency through audiences with a tailored approach for specific messaging, target audience and location. By creating a toolkit of resources, together with Into Optics, we’ve been able to ensure optometrist across the country have all the support and materials needed to inspire the next generation of eye health care providers.

The brand has since been rolled out across a custom design and built website including a paywalled membership area, digital and print assets, an extensive toolkit for employers and exhibition materials.